Monday, July 23, 2007

As The World Warms

You saw this picture early in the month and it's back for a reason. This flowering Mussaenda starts blooming in May and continues to bloom until the first cool spell in December. But not this year. For more Mussaenda pictures from my garden, click here.

While we were on vacation in June/July it rained and all looked good when we returned home.. But for the last two weeks we have had no rain and we are prohibited in general garden watering. I still water the orchids and some pot plants. The Mussaenda is an established bush and should not need water. It was damaged by the heat, seven days of it. I have grown this plant for at least 30 years and have never seen this kind of damage. The planet is changing and I can see it, as well as feel it. I could show many other plants that have damage from the extreme heat. Thankfully it has started to rain in the last two days.